Current Areas of Focus

Support year-round hours for unleashed access for dogs who are under voice control through public advocacy, face-to-face meetings with City councilors and Parks Department. If we can achieve this and re-establish our community of dog walkers, we would like to proceed with other goals, including:
1. Offer education through our volunteer network concerning dog training and socialization
2. Advocate for better adherence to the "pick-up & carry out" rule and educate dog owners regarding health hazards associated with discarded feces (see here and here); our plans include sponsoring regular clean-up days, with treats and rewards (we believe that positive reinforcement can work with humans as well as dogs)
3. Provide a means for coordinating with other groups so that they may request that dogs be leashed or kept close to their owners and/or away from special events (e.g., classroom activities, weddings, races, etc.)
4. Continue to advocate for baseline water, noise, and light quality assessments prior to further construction of the large condominium development project (Baxter Square) adjacent to the woods (see developer's website here); communicate our concerns to the City Planning Department. As of early 2025, two of the development ‘s five planned buildings have been completed. The third building, currently on hold for construction pending sales of additional units, will be built on the MBW fenceline.
Construction site bordering MBW
The "Red Pines Trail," leading to the fence abutting the land to be developed. The developer owns 30 feet into Baxter Woods from the fence. The Park Department's new "Bird Habitat Restoration Area" resulted in restricting off-leash dogs along this long trail from Stevens Avenue to Forest Avenue year-round.